The Incredibles Products

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

'The Incredibles' is an award-winning feature film that was produced at Pixar.

The story is about a family of 'super heroes' who are sent by the Government into hiding to live as normal civilians in order to protect their real identities.

Mr Incredible, also known as Robert or 'Bob' Parr is the head of the Incredibles family. He possesses incredible strength and his enhanced senses enable him to sense danger from a long way off. He is also increasingly frustrated with not being able to continue his super heroic work and waits for every opportunity to get involved with fighting crime.

Mr Incredible's wife, Helen Parry, also known as 'Elastigirl' also has super powers. She can stretch and reshape her body in different ways to accommodate great action. Nevertheless, she is quite comfortable with trying to live a normal life away from trying to be a super hero.

Their children, Dash and Violet possess individual super powers which become apparent as the story develops. The youngest Jack-Jack is yet to demonstrate any super powers.

When Bob Parr eventually gets an invitation to present himself as hero again, he is eager to leap into action against the enemy. However, the invitation is from a villain called 'Syndrome', who as a boy idolised Mr Incredible and has since then become an enemy and wants to display his super powers through his robotic inventions. The family soon come to realise that they have been placed in a situation where they will yet again have to demonstrate super powers to help save Mr Incredible.